Clever IDM Enterprise Product Guide

Clever IDM Enterprise Data Merging and Filtering

Because of how Clever and Clever IDM Enterprise communicate with users, certain details need to be addressed to properly set up all user accounts.

Step 1: Merging Staff and Teacher Accounts Within Clever

  1. The way Clever IDM Enterprise identifies Clever users is through an ID named Clever ID. To ensure there are no duplicates for users with a Clever ID, those accounts need to be merged within Clever. As some users are defined as Teacher and also Staff, they will have two separate Clever IDs for the same user. The only way to merge these accounts is to ensure the email address within the SIS (Teacher) data and the Staff data match. This will require manual entry of the email addresses from the Staff Data into the SIS data.

  2. Clever will recognize the matching emails and merge the accounts, creating a new Clever ID to be associated with that user. Clever IDM Enterprise will then have only a single identity for that user.

Step 2: Filtering Teachers from Staff Data

  • After the Teacher and Staff data has been merged in Clever, from now on you will need to filter out Teachers from Staff data before Clever ingests it. This ensures that all Teacher Data is coming from the SIS information and non-teaching Staff comes from Staff data. This eliminates the need for the email-matching step above to occur periodically. If this step doesn't occur, a resource will have to consistently check user accounts within Staff data and SIS data for email matching.